Room Escape 12th:The Pink Room.
The Classic Espape Game,Use your wisdom to break!Good Luck!
Have a look your intelligence quotient, it is said in all over the world only 4000 people may go out this room.
Inside the room altogether has 13 goods, after evens up may leave the room.
Found 0-6 intelligence quotient to be low, absolute idiot.
Found 9-10 is normal.

本站剧情路线:逃出车模房间后,我把上次查到公司的名称,在互联网上查了一片,原来这间公司是专做家具陈列的。我把这间公司所设计过的陈列室列了一张表出来,透过表上,我发现我所去过的房间都会有一个simple的字样。表上只有一个出现simple但我还没去过的房间:The pinkroom,显然这是他们安排我去的下一个房间。我要尽早趁他们不注意,一探究竟,以寻找半点蛛丝马迹。

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神秘房间  粉红色房间  密室逃脱12  The pinkroom
